Magnus Nightshade


Gender: Intersex
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 29
Race: Veena Viera || Seeker of the Sun
Orientation: Bisexual - Male Lean
Height: 5'4
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: ESTP-T
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hair Colour: Naturally black
Eye Colour: Left - Gold || Right - Dark Brown
Voice: Often betraying his appearance, it's deeper than most would expect. Smooth, sultry, with a flair to it that gives an air of being 'put on'.
Voice Claim: Neil Newbon
Notable Features:
-Never seen without makeup.
-He dresses very femininely, often in skirts and dresses. Most of the clothing he owns shows skin.
-Though looking fully Veena, his pupils are slits in light.
-Tends to smell like lilac and honey, with a hint of smoke clinging to him.
-Scars shaped like bite marks litter his neck and shoulders.
Lightning and wind aspected.
His natural aether is a bright and vibrant purple that seems ever moving and alive. It dances and twirls around him like a hurricane, occasionally flashing with brighter and violent hues like shining stars.


On the shorter side and possessing a shapely body with notably large hips for a male viera, Magnus is very willing to show off his figure. Everything about the man is made to be eye-catching. He knows he looks good and wants the world to see him.
The majority of his attire is black and revealing, though he does own some colour and has plenty of elegant clothing that fully covers his body.
He keeps his hair long and immaculately cared for, even having a detailed hair care routine to keep his curls healthy and soft.
His skin is very pale and often he'll carry around a black parasol to help keep the sun off his delicate complexion.


Magnus' mother left the mountains of her birth, tired of feeling trapped and wanting to explore the world. And so she traveled across Eorzea until she discovered she was pregnant and decided to settle in Limsa Lominsa, raising her only son there. Magnus was given a city name and forest name even though he would never be able to enter their homeland. He grew up listening to his mother's stories of the world and fostered a dream of discovering new places far beyond his mother’s tales. A deep part of him felt drawn across the land and sea, never sure of what it was he yearned for, yet knew it was out there, calling to him. As an adult, he did exactly what he dreamed, purchasing his first airship ticket to find out what awaited him beyond La Noscea.
Hardship fell upon him quickly. He was severely unprepared for such ventures with his lack of battle and survival skills. After nearly being swallowed whole by a hungry Eft, he realised he needed to learn how to defend himself if he wished to live long enough to see the world.
It was upon returning to Limsa, feeling utterly defeated, he had met a healer. An astrologian as the man had declared, offering to heal his wounds. At first, Magnus hadn’t believed him, but the way the stars' magic had closed every cut and vanished every bruise made him want to learn more. And to the Veena’s surprise, the man agreed to teach him, having set out for that very goal.
Over time, Magnus grew to trust the other. Every day he would arrive at the man’s house to be trained, and often they would travel together, continuing their progress in his schooling.
Eventually all things change, and it became clear that the Hyur had other intentions. When his teacher began to lavish him in finery, Magnus had been suspicious though allowed himself to be spoiled. The answer was then clear when he wanted payment for the luxuries. With hesitation, Magnus had agreed, offering himself to the other. Anything he would do to further learn, out of fear that he'd be turned away.
From then on, Magnus was molded to be exactly what the Hyur desired. Anything that made him prettier he agreed to, even at the suggestion of covering himself in beautiful tattoos.
”You should speak in a prettier manner.”
Those words had cut into him. It never occurred to him that his life fully revolved around the man and every part of what made him who he was had been slowly replaced. Nonetheless, he adjusted his accent to sound more formal and upper-class, not the Lominsan way of speaking since that wasn’t suited to a gem.
Three years together, Magnus was exactly what his lover had wanted. Or so he believed.
The sight of another 'student' in the Hyur’s lap was all it took for everything to crash around him. Only then had he realised he had no idea who he was. As his world was shattered before his eyes, endless questions and confusion haunted him. He could never fathom how a man who supposedly followed fate and read the stars could be so cruel.
The only way he ever moved on, was allowing others to use him as they pleased.
With no way to support himself, he took to performing for others, typically through dance. Starting as a street performer, he would dance or sing, often relying mostly off stage presence in the beginning. Though, he was gratefully able to learn from other dancers who took him in, teaching him proper techniques and steps. From then on he began to look for places willing to take him in, often ending up in more unsavory locales.
Taken advantage of for his naivety so often, Magnus learned to judge others quickly, picking up on minor details others might have missed. He would often read others' mannerisms and if he decided he didn’t like what he saw, he would become cold and hostile if they approached.
To his surprise, he found someone he connected deeply with. Somewhere between romantic and platonic, though not quite either. The two eventually wed, a promise Magnus gave to Ophelia after learning of her woes. From the start, she knew she wanted to always return to him, while Magnus was slow to accept her kindness and devotion.
The couple were never exclusive, taking others as freely as they wished, so when Magnus met an alluring rava he worked with, there was no hesitation to spend the night with him. What he hadn't expected was the way he would end up feeling for the man.
He and Selaris felt fated and natural to Magnus, as if the reason he ever learned to read the stars was so they could guide him to the rava. It didn't take long for them to fall in love, even if they avoided those feelings at first and shortly into their blossoming relationship, Magnus discovered they were to have a child together.


A Willing Teacher - Magnus is still seeking someone to further teach him astromancy. Are you well versed as an astrologian? Perhaps you'd be willing to each an eager pupil?

Healer for Hire - Though there is still a lot for him to learn, talent and skill for the healing arts lies within him. Do you need a healer to tend to your wounds? Maybe need one to tag along on your next venture? Magnus is more than willing, especially if there's gil involved.

Just a Fun Time - Spending most of his time exploring new places, and visiting an array of venues, Magnus knows how to have fun and is always willing to drag others along with him. Don't be surprised if he tries to outdrink you. Just try to limit yourself if you can't handle alcohol as well as he can.

A Former Lover - It's no secret that Magnus has had many in his bedroom, or back alley, or inn room, or... Well, nonetheless, perhaps you've been with him before? The question is will he remember you?

Little Limsan Boy - Most who knew Magnus growing up would struggle to recognize him now. His appearance is vastly different, attitude entirely changed, and the most notable feature that was his thick accent was entirely replaced. Though, maybe if you squint, you realize you remember a boastful boy who used to torment you by chasing you around with lugworms in his hands. It's rare, but not impossible. {Please discuss OOC first.}

Whispers - Perhaps you've been as perceptive as the viera'qote himself and noticed those ears never stop turning, and how those eyes of ink and gold never stop flicking about. Magnus is always watching and listening, learning all there is around him, whether people want him to or not. Does he hold secrets that you long to know about others? Or maybe you need to buy his silence about your own?

Nsfw Info


Role: Switch
Position: Verse, bottom lean
Main kinks: Exhibitionism • clothed sex • biting • oral fixation • primal • power play • masochism • height difference • breeding • monsterfucking • dub-con
Hard limits: Unsanitary • underage • ageplay • soft vore • medical play • zoophilia • fetishizing terms • non-con


Magnus is intersex, and what lies below the belt is different than most. He has a vulva set below his penis, with the latter essentially replacing his clitoris. His testicles are internal and do not produce sperm, however he does still have seminal fluid. His uterus is fully functioning and able to produce children while not on any sort of birth control. Similar to rabbits, Magnus is almost constantly in heat while fully fertile.
{This is for when not following any specific set of rp lore for Viera genitals.}

Someday she'll come online and LET ME TAKE A GPOSE OF HER

Ophelia Grimmes

His adoring wife. Their relationship is neither romantic or platonic, set somewhere in-between. Magnus had taught her to loosen up and have fun, giving her new experiences every day. While Ophelia had taught him to be more caring and that hard-work is important. Despite their marriage, they both encourage each other to love who they wish, never one to hold the other back from their desires.

Selaris Frost

Where to begin with their relationship. Magnus was drawn to Selaris the moment he met him, though didn't understand what the stars were trying to tell him. Through time and Magnus' persistence, the Rava eventually opened up to him, and from then on Magnus did everything in his power to keep him safe and loved. In a surprisingly natural way, they fell in love, though neither had expected the other to come into their life.

Yenfir Nightshade

A caring and devoted mother is Yenfir. She worked hard to provide for her and her son, though often wasn't around much, leaving little Magnus alone to get into mischief. Though his relationship with her became complicated as he grew older, he still loves her and it pains him to talk about her to anyone.

____ Nuhn

Though unknown who his identity is, Magnus knows his father was a Miqo'te and a nuhn. Yet he still has little idea of his name and where to even look, let alone if he wants to find his father.


Casual LoverSexual Interest
FriendClose Friend

{If underlined, click for carrd.}

Ophelia Grimmes

Though once married, their platonic bond never died. Magnus still feels a sense of duty and care toward his ex-wife, spending time with her as often as her busy life allows.

Yenfir Nightshade
≛ ☆
A caring and devoted mother is Yenfir. She worked hard to provide for her and her son, though often wasn't around much, leaving little Magnus alone to get into mischief.

Linnea Nightshade

Though born from unfortunate circumstances, and not of Magnus' blood, the half-viera considers the kit his very own.

Myro Oja
After promising to watch over Jinro's son, Magnus has worked to slowly gain Myro's trust. While still often met with suspicion, it seems his efforts have not been in vain.

Olivander Raymond/O'lehir Ra'vi
Complicated is the easiest way to describe the way Magnus feels about this specific Keeper.

Jinro Oja
Noble wolf, master, or his fangs— the title matters not. What started as a playful hunt became far deeper than Magnus could have predicted.

Momo(ka) Nightshade

Magnus' daughter, though too young for him to be aware of that yet. The little kit is overly spoiled by their parents and found family.

Naotane Haragin
Due to her loyalty and endless devotion, it was easier for her to get close to Magnus than most. She is often one to play along with Magnus' flirting and teases. If someone were to harm Magnus, it would be her axe in their back.

Wilson Mercer

Former mentor to Magnus, and his first experience with a relationship. The name leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

Juro Loveresse
It's uncertain whether they hate each other or not. While Magnus goads the other with relentless teases, Juro responds with snarls and curses.


  • Elf/Elfghoul

  • he/him

  • 26

  • EST

Thanks for making it this far! ♥

If you'd like to rp with me, please /tell me in game or message me on discord.
I will not rp with anyone under the age of 18.
I prefer to write long-term, though hook-ups or one-shots are a-okay. I write in third person only, and while I prefer para to multi-para, I can be flexible and try to match my partner. In game I tend to write much shorter replies.
For settings, I'm open to many different types! I love darker themes but please discuss them with me beforehand.
Keep in mind I am not Magnus. If he is mean to you, it's not that I dislike you, in fact I probably think you're cool. I'm not looking for anything romantic or sexual OOC.
He is my main on FFXIV so I ask that you approach me OOC first before rping, unless I am at a venue or have my RP tag on, in which case feel free to be IC! If I am busy in game, discord is always the easiest to contact me.